Wenatchee Live

Wenatchee was the hot location for celebrity spotting in August (26-29) when the boys' fantasy draft was held in the Pacific Northwest for the first time. This was a big plum for the area, as it has been estimated that this function brings at least $250 into the local economy and might add as much as .35 jobs for the three-day period. It is highly sought after by Chamber of Commerce types. A fun time was had by all and the WIFI worked OK with all the laptops hooked up at the same time. It was suggested afterwards that maybe the "kinda-flag" football ought to be replaced by something a little more kindly to aging joints. There were many more injuries this year than in prior years - check out the picture of Eric below. But maybe a few simple changes in routine will do....like allow water or prohibit full-contact tackling without helmets or mandate an occasional 5-minute break. The Wenatchee Anderton girls took advantage of the time to do some bonding and promote a family picture.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

You're too funny....and there is nothing like family time. I loved being with all my sisters and kids, so fun!