Mike's Marketing Tip II

Marketing Tip #1 was the chain-a-bunch-of-cell-phones-to-you to temporarily rent to those that have run out of minutes and stand at a busy street corner (see December 3-9 post).

Today we have an exciting new idea. Traffic here is horrible and you sit in lines at lights, etc. for minutes at a time. Well, some street vendors take advantage of the situation and go up and down the lines of cars putting gum, movies, candy, shoes laces, trinkets, or whatever else they have to sell on the windows. Somehow they anticipate the movement of traffic enough to not put out too many, then then quickly gather them up before the cars move away, collecting their sale proceeds, if any, through the open windows. Genius.

1 comment:

LGH said...

Never waste a minute when you are trying to make a sale!