The Missionary Application is In!

One of our dreams has been to tithe our lives in full-time missionary service (8 years for 80, 9 years for 90, etc. That means we are going to have to build up a surplus early to make sure we have enough years if we live a long time - they do not allow you to go at 97! So...we had discussed going again for some time and you know how it is, you talk about it, but it stays a bit hazy and in the future. You don't press the button. The button is probably filling out the online application and pushing SEND. Well, we finally made a commitment and did it. We pushed SEND on May 1, which was our goal. By the way, could they make that application process any more grueling? We are excited to see where we end up! Two notes: 1) We decided to not negotiate our destination/task, just let it happen, and 2) We decided to try the 6-month version, to see how it works out. If it fits our personalities, we will perhaps do more in the short format. Kind of like snowbird missionaries.

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