A Full Weekend

Mark and Laurel got a rare weekend getaway at the Gecko House. We were tasked to take care of the GoGo5 and we had a full weekend of fun. KR pretty much stayed at the Broadview house, while I went where needed. Some of the weekend was spent in Seattle. We left after delivering the annual, expected KR cinnamon rolls to the Westridge cleanup crew. It was a full day in Seattle - went to Will's baseball game, to Ella's play, and visited Jon & Cher. The Wenatchee kids were real troopers and behaved wonderfully, considering the two long drives. 

Ready to Head to Seattle

Having Some Lunch at the Baseball Game

Eva the Flower Girl

Will Doing His
Ryne Sandberg Impression

Coach Anderton

Ella & Friends After Her Play

Tree Monkeys

Henry Quickly Searched Jon & Cher's Place for
Every Available Car or Truck

Jones Enjoying Himself

A Long Day in Seattle
I went over Sunday morning to help get everyone ready for Church. Jones managed to fall in the tub with the other boys while they were bathing and did NOT enjoy getting soaked. Henry was confused by the sudden change in the Sunday morning routine, but we managed to get everyone dressed and the GoGo5 to church on time. It was Stake Conference and we had someone save us some seats in the padded area. The Nygard girls came back to give me a hand, as KR was directing the music and I was in charge of the five kids. Henry confused me a little bit with his limp routine - I didn't know whether he was asleep, mad, unconscious or playing with me. The Nygards recognized his go-to avoidance technique but neglected to tell me. They just laughed and enjoyed watching the show. 

Ready for Stake Conference

Post Stake Conference - A Long Day for Isaac
KR took Emmett and the four siblings to his piano recital on Monday where he performed an Indian war song. The students were to dress in costume to match the theme of their piece so he went with the Indian brave motif. I am not sure if it helped his piano skills or not, but he sure looked the part.

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