The HiLine

In the process of carrying out some family business in early November, I drove the Montana HiLine (so named for the old Great Northern rail line that follows the Milk and Missouri Rivers across the top of Montana). It is a LONG way up to that Montana\North Dakota border! I did get some beautiful, clear wintry days for driving. I returned down through the Western Dakotas, Wyoming, and stopped to see KT in Rexburg. By the way, you do not see many Toyota Tundra trucks up there - they buy American. Enjoy a few pictures of the HiLine: 1-2) the Missouri River near Fort Benton, 3) marker for tepee of Chief Joseph at Bear Paw Surrender Battlefield, 4) Fort Union NHS, at the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers - site straddles the North Dakota-Montana border, 5) bridge over the Little Missouri - stomping grounds of my favorite president, 6) Devil's Tower - movie or no movie, it is an eerie place. (November 6-15)


1 comment:

Matt said...

I said Theodore Roosevelt even before I googled the Little Missouri, Megan can attest to that.....I like Swedish Fish.