2009 In Review

It has been quite a year for the Wenatchee Anderton Clan. Lots of good things to be thankful for and we hope that all of you daily thank your Heavenly Father for the blessings He showers upon us. And we thank all of you for the good decisions, prayers, and hard work you contribute to the progress of all members of our family. Just think of what has happened in the last 12 months. Mom has a nice new car she REALLY likes. I have been able to travel to Utah (11 TIMES!!) to help care for my Mom and Dad and visit family. Jon graduated from his Merrill Lynch program and is now an official big shot. Both Jon and Cher continue to chip away at their class list for further college degrees (Mom and I will ALWAYS heartily support the desire of ANYONE to further their knowledge and education). Will was baptized a member of the Church. Mark & Laurel bought and moved into a new home AND got the surprise of their lives with the addition of a triplet. Mike graduated with a degree in a field he enjoys AND found a great job he likes during a time of tough job hunting. Mike and Amy bought and moved into a new home. M&M settled into their new home and city, and have been introduced to life's greatest joy and challenge (at the same time) as new parents. Katie was rewarded with the Fast Track and can see the end of her college degree on the horizon, has a nice new car, and a nicer new Love. Whew - it takes your breath away! We pray that 2010 will be as good to us.

1 comment:

Dover said...

Thank you guys for all of your love and support.