Henry Jason Anderton

It was a big day for Mark & Laurel. Here are the first pictures. The ones of Eva & Isaac are on the way to the hospital.


LGH said...

Looks like you got home just in time for the big event! Congrats...everyone is adorable; especially grandpa!

Amy D. said...

Um...is that a newborn? Looks like a one month old. Just like his big brother Emmett. Can't wait to see him in person. Thinking of you all and wish we were closer to help.

Kyle and Katie said...

So cute! He has Emmett's cute nose. Can't wait to see him in person. Love and miss you guys.

Kim said...

Thanks for posting! He's absolutely adoreable. I have to agree with Amy! She is truly blessed to have you all so close. Thank you for all you do for them, it makes me being on the other side of the world a bit easier during times like this. Love, Kim

Mindy and Marty said...

Oh my! Henry is perfect and with LOTS of dark hair! Eva is a spittin image if Laurel!!!! What a cute cute cute family. Aren't you proud! I am so glad that Emmett stil has those adorable dimples! Give them my love ...thanks for posting pics! Mindy