Fall Soccer

Mark & Laurel shared the kid's soccer schedules with us for the fall season and we loved going to the games and watching them compete and learn teamwork. As you can see by Eva's lip, she gets right in there and shows how it is done. When Max was visiting, he came to a game and played with Henry and Jones. They thought that throwing dirt on one another would be fun! You can see the result.

October 18 & 23-25

It is always a pleasure to spend quality time with our grandchildren. The Wenatchee bunch stayed with us on October 18 and had a great time transporting themselves around the house, harvesting produce from our garden, doing their homework, learning how to clean the irrigation filter, playing "old Nintendo", and using the "diggers". We traveled to Seattle on the 23rd to stay a few days while Jon & Cher enjoyed a getaway. While there, we got a Halloween costume preview - pretty scary.

Wenatchee Sunrise

The crisp Wenatchee mornings often bring beautiful sunrises over the basalt ridges to the east. A great way to start the day!

Leavenworth Marathon

The first weekend of October is a time to enjoy LDS General Conference AND the Leavenworth Marathon. Actually, KR ran the half-marathon and this was her fourth time participating. Her running group this year included Marnie Herrick, Lisa Sauer, Terri Wynder, Whitney Herrick and Natalie Acton.

The morning dawned crisp and cool, but gave way to sun as they jogged along the course. She stayed with Lisa most of the way, as Lisa runs a steady, constant pace. The last few miles KR just couldn’t keep up with her, but pushed herself on alone and finished at her best-ever time of 2.33:02 with a pace of 11:31. She nearly collapsed at the finish line, as her legs felt like Jello. After eating the post-race snacks and drinking two bottles of water, Lisa and KR returned to the finish line to cheer the rest of our group as they crossed over.
As they packed up for home and were walking to the car, a young woman stopped in front of KR and asked, “Sister Anderton?” It was Anjeanette Myers from our Woodinville days and she recognized KR after 35 years!

Emmett Passes Into Boy Scouts

Speaking of someone growing up too quickly. Congrats on moving up to the big leagues, Emmett. We look forward to more great things from you.

Black Widows Come Calling

In September, while cleaning the garage, KR brought the lid to a storage box inside and set it on the dining room table. Her eye caught movement in one corner of the lid where her thumb had been. She peeked in and went numb when she saw a big, shiny, VERY black spider. Running to the kitchen for an empty jar, she came back to see the spider scurrying across the table. Carefully plopping the jar over the spider, she slid it to the edge of the table and onto the upturned lid, catching the spider inside. Once the creepy crawler was safely behind glass, she tilted the jar and viewed its round belly, clearing seeing the bright red hourglass shape characteristic of a female black widow. The next day, while sweeping the garage, she discovered another smaller one and put it in the same jar. The two didn’t get along very well and before long, the little spider became food. The grandchildren loved to watch that big spider and the thing lived in the jar for over three months, kept alive by an occasional bug.

Vancouver For KT Treatments

Max, KT and KR returned to Vancouver from September 18-29 for KT's medical appointments and stayed with Kyle’s grandparents, Byron and Zelma Christensen, during the process. Byron and Zelma were the ultimate hosts, keeping everyone comfortable, well fed and rested. It is obvious Max is loved and adored by his great-grandparents. I bought Max a little soccer ball and one of his favorite activities each day was kicking the ball and playing a "soccer game" with whichever adult he could lure outside.

Twins Birthday Party

While KR was in Vancouver with KT & Max, Mike attended the twin's birthday party on September 24. Mark is taking up the guitar and treated those attending to a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday". Laurel made another of her famous theme cakes. Isaac & Eva are growing up too quickly. It just seems like yesterday.......

KT & Max Spend Some Time in Wenatchee

Katie had an important medical procedure scheduled in Portland a week after their move from Vancouver, so she and Max came to stay with us in Wenatchee instead of making the trip to Utah and back. We all enjoyed the time together doing the simple things inherent in country life: 1) attending the Chelan County Fair, where Max experienced fair food, twirling rides and lots of smelly animals, 2) canning peaches, and 3) hanging out at the river throwing rocks and "battleship sticks" into the clear water. (Pictures: Painting Rocks, At the Fair, Haircut Time, Trying Out the Camp Headlamp, Harvesting Monte's Garden, Canning Peaches, Pancakes for Breakfast, Helping Grandpa in the Yard, Throwing Rocks into the Wenatchee River) 

Helping K&K Pack & Move

Kyle interviewed with Vivint, a home automation company in Provo, UT, and was hired as the Field Service Communications Manager. KR drove to Vancouver, WA to help them pack-up their belongings, then Kyle drove a large U-Haul truck to Springville, where Amy had procured a lovely condo unit for them. After moving in, they discovered their condo sits close to a major rail line and a train whistle blows several times each night as the passing trains negotiate Springville and its many crossings. We'll see how long it takes to adjust to that!

Mike Finally Home for a Stretch

It has been quite the year so far - I need some rest!

Leadville Color

Leadville, a former silver mining town, sits near the headwaters of the Arkansas River in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. The Leadville Historic District contains many historic homes and structures from its dynamic mining era. In the late 19th century, Leadville was the second most populous city in Colorado, after Denver. It is extraordinary how many historic homes have survived. And the paint colors on the restored ones were something else! I got a little carried away taking pictures of some of the more interesting palette choices.